Actual Projects will be done using shared documents.
Research has always been important to me. I am starting a virtual lab to allow students the chance to collaborate on projects that are above and beyond typical standards. Projects will include the following:
Topics will fit into a category so similar projects can benefit from common research.
Most research meets the need of people or make their lives better.
Look up information (and cite) about your topic and plan
Design and Build
I believe the best way to learn is to design and then build. If it doesn't work then learn (more research), modify, and try again.
Category - transportation
Need - cheap, transportation for in town that anyone can use (no license required)
Research -
1. What is limitation for being on road but not requiring a license
2. What kind of power are you using
3. What has already been done
Design -
Can you implement an idea from someone else or make it better. Do you have a brand new idea (protect it - people will try to take it and patents are first to file).